Friday, October 3, 2008

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Yes I agree, because a person can be talented in many ways. They can achieve whatever they want, and whatever they want to do. Like in school they can get a job and get payed really good. Like blind people and deaf people can also be successful in life and be really good people.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A good company is someone who doesn't do bad stuff or is a bad influence to you by making you get in trouble. I would have dinner with my best friend Idelma, my aunt and uncle Bobby and Martha,my aunt that is in Tyler,Texas, my grandma who passed away, and my other best friend Emily.

Monday, September 29, 2008

If you have knowledge it really helps you in life. A knowledge that leads to power is knowing how to read because you need to know how to read to be a successful person in life. If you have knowledge you become a successful person. Your education is knowledge you get certain degree's first and then you could become whatever you want in life and be successful.